
Event Calendars

Need a calendar for your blog or website? Well lets take a look at some of the available calendars that Wordpress offers. I looked at three different stats to judge which calendar I would use if I need one. The three categories are: downloads, rating, and compatibility. Compatibility is a voting option used by Wordpress users to say whether or not the calendar works for them.

Events Calendar

Downloads: 237,420
Rating: 3 Stars
Compatibility: Broken

Extremely easy to install, options menu is small and simple. The options menu to add a new event is very simple to navigate. The best thing about it is the small calendar that fits in your sidebar perfectly. There is a reason this calendar has 237,000 downloads. This is my pick for which calendar to use.


Downloads: 100,692
Rating: 4 Stars
Compatibility: Works

Yes its just called Calendar. It was, as is true with most plugins/widgets, easy to install. Calendar offers you 3 options to manage and edit your calendar. One of the best options is an editable CSS sheet within the options. Adding events and managing categories is simple. The basic calendar is plain and boring so this is a big benefit.

Event Calendar 3

Downloads: 142,495
Rating: 4 Stars
Compatibility: Works

Event Calendar 3 is easy to install and its options menu is simple and easy to use. However I was not impressed by my first trial of it. After successfully following the install instructions I still had error messages about the code, and the CSS needed to be tweaked to allow appropriate room on the sidebar.


As with any CMS or CMS options it is really up to you to decide on what works best. I really liked Events Calendar. There is a reason that it has been the most download calendar plugin. It may not work for you as it seems not to work for some. Just try any of these three or any other ones you seem to like or might fit well in your blog/website.


CMS Templates

When using a CMS should you create a template from scratch? Should you modify a preexisting template? Lets examine which choice is better.


What should you do, spend time to create your own template or modify one? Well folks my opinion is to take the easy way out so to speak. Why spend all that time and energy creating a template from scratch. Just grab a template that will work perfectly for your website, and modify it.


Here are a few good resources when it comes to creating and downloading templates:

My Template

We were asked to find a template for our DME 260 class for http://www.artspacecharter.org/ who are in the process of updating their website. Here is the template I feel will work best for them:


Ignore the color scheme and the leaf sidebar, they are just the template itself and not what would be needed for Art Space. I like this template because of two things, first, the sidebar. The sidebar offers great navigation and is definitely creative. My thought is to use something like paper mache or some kind of construction paper to create a cool artsy sidebar. Secondly the layout is just simple, since parents will be the majority of users on this site they will need something nice and simple.



I am sure you have seen or heard SEO or SEM thrown around while talking to clients or talking to designers. Do you really know the difference, better yet do THEY know the difference? Well let us take a look and see what we can decipher about the two.

What is SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization, and what that means is “the process of optimizing your website with keywords you wish to associate with.” Well great I know what that means, now how do I implement it? Brian Woeller from Ezinearticlez has several ways to create great SEO for your website:
  • Having Keyword rich web pages
  • Having Keywords in the title of your pages
  • Having Keywords in your domain name
  • Naming the images in your site using keywords
  • Naming the Alt tags of images using keywords

What is SEM

SEM stands for search engine marketing, what this means is “the process and the methods used to promote your site to search engines.” As with SEO there are several ways to achieve proper SEM. Brian Woeller has more ideas on how to implement SEM:
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Article Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Social Network Marketing
  • PPC, or Pay Per Click Advertising
The keyword you are looking for when it comes to SEO and SEM is “Keywords.” To successfully and cheaply implement SEO and SEM you need to have keyword rich content that you is associated with the website. Have links to your website, everybody has a friend out there willing to give a link in their website.

Content Management Systems and SEO

Since SEO is all about good content, adding a CMS to the picture shouldn’t change your SEO or SEM at all should it? Well it can be a little tricky handling SEO with a CMS.
  • URLs -Some CMSs create dynamic URLS, search engines don’t like dynamic URLs much since they include special characters like % and =. They prefer good old http:www.google.com type URLs.
  • Keyword URLs – Dynamic IPs do not allow for very good keyword URLs, and what is the most important thing when it comes to SEO? Keywords.
  • Bad Meta Tags – Some CMSs do not allow users to assign Meta Tags. Meta Tags are critical when search engines are looking for sites.
  • Code – When using a CMS they can use special scripts or use codes that are not web standards

In the End

Regardless of whether you are hand coding a website or if you are using a CMS it all comes down to keywords. SEO and SEM are two different things, and both are linked. I recommend content rich articles and meta tags for SEO. Take advantage of any free marketing you can get from clients and friends alike. Most of all make sure your clients know what the differences are, the more you sound intelligent the more the trust you.

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CMS Feedback

So it begins, the showdown between Website Baker and CMSimple! Two CMS enter, one CMS leaves in true Thunderdome fashion!

I will talk about each CMS individually and will cover several aspects of these CMS’ such as: installation, templates, editing, along with which CMS I prefer and which I would use with clients.


CMSimple’s name is actually very appropriate, it is a nice simple lightweight CMS great for clients who only need to make small changes or updates to their website.

This is where CMSimple really takes the cake. The whole program is small and by small I mean REALLY small, it is less than 100kb! To install all you have to do is drag and drop the folder into your server, run it, then edit your settings, this all takes around 5 minutes.


Templating is somewhat frustrating. You need to know a little PHP to understand what you are editing and what needs to be placed in a certain div tag. Creating a template from scratch is one of the harder aspects of using CMSimple, but with a little practice you can churn out some good looking stuff. However if you choose not to create one from scratch you can always find a good template to use.

Note: You will need to have a Table of Content file, this uses heading tags to create your navigation and sub-navigation. You will also need a Content file (content.htm) and stylesheet (stylesheet.css.)

Some useful template links


I am not a fan of using CMSimple to create a website from scratch, but if I am just editing I think that CMSimple is extremely easy to do small edits here and there. The interface is very simple and reminiscent of a text editor such as Microsoft Word or Notepad.

Website Baker

Website baker should be used for larger websites; it is more powerful and should only be used by those who do know what they are doing when it comes to using a computer.


Installing Website Baker can be a bit of a hassle, you need to have a PHP server and mySQL. Along with needing PHP and mySQL you need to have a database for Website Baker, or you can’t run it. Once you have the installation guide up and running on your browser it becomes a little bit more straight forward. Again you have to know what you are doing to be able to install website baker correctly, or have a really good teacher.

Note: Several friends have had problems using website baker on their own sites. They had to call their hosting companies and spend time changing their PHP version.


Lucky for us website baker provides a great guide on creating templates. It takes you through everything you could possible need to know. In my experience I did not have those long 2 A.M. nights where I end up breaking everything in sight because my template isn’t working correctly.

As with CMSimple there are plenty of templates to download and use. Website Baker takes the cake when it comes to templates.

Some useful template links
Designers Guide


Remember that thing I said about knowing what you are doing on a computer? Website Bakers opening interface can be a little intimidating at first, but with a little practice you will learn your way around it pretty quick. The editing interface however is very easy to understand and is somewhat similar to CMSimples. Adding media is very simple and straight forward as well.

CMSimple or Website Baker?

Well let’s break down who wins in the three categories:
  • Installation: CMSimple
  • Templates: Website Baker
  • Editing: Website Baker
Website Baker wins 2 to 1. The fact that Website Baker wins the war doesn’t mean it is always the best CMS to use. Would you use a bull dozer to plant some flowers? Probably not! Then why would you use a larger CMS for a simple website. CMSimple should be used as well, just not for large or more complicated websites.


Deciding what your clients can be able to use is critical in your own decision. Some clients will not be tech savy at all and rely on you heavily to decide what is best for them. If they are older and less tech savy, I would recommend CMS Simple. If they are younger and more astute on the web then by all means use website baker.

My Decision

You guys are going to hate me, but I honestly don’t have an opinion on what to use. Since your clients are going to change from job to job you can never settle on just using one CMS.